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Power lithium battery market demand

Power lithium battery market demand

In 2021, although the global economy is still negatively affected by the new crown epidemic, on the one hand, the growth of the domestic new energy terminal market exceeded expectations, and the output of the new energy vehicle market exceeded 3.5 million, a year-on-year increase of 159.5%, driving domestic power battery shipments On the other hand, the European new energy vehicle market continues to grow rapidly, driving some domestic leading battery companies to increase their export scale. Therefore, the output of power lithium batteries in my country shows a high growth trend. According to data from the Advanced Industry Research Institute (GGII), the output of power lithium batteries in my country will reach 220GWh in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 175.0%.

As the core component of new energy vehicles, the development of power lithium batteries is closely related to the new energy vehicle industry. In recent years, under the strong support of relevant national industrial policies and the pull of consumer demand, my country's new energy vehicle industry has developed rapidly, and the scale of production and sales has expanded rapidly. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in 2021, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China will be 3.545 million and 3.521 million respectively, a year-on-year increase of 159.52% and 157.57%, and the market share will further increase.

At present, as countries and regions around the world have successively formulated clear development goals for new energy vehicles, in order to cope with the rapid growth of demand for lithium batteries in the new energy vehicle market, the world's mainstream lithium battery companies have a clear willingness to expand production, such as CATL and others have formulated corresponding expansion plans. In the next few years, with the further maturity of the long-term mechanism for the development of new energy vehicles and the introduction of relevant support policies, the market demand for new energy vehicles will usher in a new round of explosive growth. At the same time, the strategic goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality proposed by the state will be the long-term driving force for the new energy vehicle industry after the new energy subsidy policy is completely withdrawn. It is foreseeable that benefiting from the continuous growth of new energy vehicles and the continuous expansion of power battery companies, the demand for lithium battery equipment by power battery companies will further increase in the future.



Contact: Miss Yang

Phone: +8618390969163

Tel: +8618390969163


Add: 102,Building No.1,Changsha health and medical industrial park,Meixihu street,Yuelu district,changsha,Hunan