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The difference between photovoltaic and energy storage

Photovoltaics and energy storage concepts

Photovoltaic is a technology that converts solar energy into electrical energy through solar panels, inverters and other devices. A photovoltaic system is a system that directly uses solar light to generate electric current, converting DC light into alternating current. Energy storage refers to storing electrical energy in batteries so that it can be used when needed. The function of the energy storage system is to load peaks and valleys, that is, to supply power to the grid during peak periods of electricity consumption and to absorb excess electric energy during periods of low electricity consumption to increase the stability of the grid.


1. Different application scenarios and purposes

The main purpose of photovoltaic systems is to use solar energy to generate electricity to provide power support for residents, businesses or institutions to reduce dependence on traditional energy sources. The main purpose of the energy storage system is to adjust the balance of energy supply and demand and promote the rational use and conservation of energy to meet the electricity demand during peak power consumption.

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2. The technical basis is different

Photovoltaic systems require devices such as solar panels and inverters to convert solar energy into electrical energy. Its core technology is the manufacturing and conversion of solar cells. The energy storage system requires the use of batteries and other devices to store electrical energy. The core technology is energy storage technology.

3. Differences in economic benefits

Photovoltaic systems have relatively low operating and maintenance costs because solar energy is a free, clean energy source. However, the power generation and stability of photovoltaic systems are affected by weather factors. The cost of energy storage systems is higher because batteries need to be purchased to store electrical energy, but it can achieve peak and valley filling of energy, helping to improve the reliability and stability of the power system.

In short, although photovoltaics and energy storage both belong to the new energy field, they have different application scenarios and purposes. Photovoltaic systems can mainly be used to generate electricity, while energy storage systems are used to solve the problem of energy peaking. In the future, with the development of science and technology and the decline of prices, the application of photovoltaic and energy storage systems will become more widespread.

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Contact: Miss Yang

Phone: +8618390969163

Tel: +8618390969163


Add: 102,Building No.1,Changsha health and medical industrial park,Meixihu street,Yuelu district,changsha,Hunan